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by Hugh Wyatt

We put wrist bands on every offensive player, so that we can communicate with one another by using the code which our play cards provide us.

If you have the resources to purchase wrist-coaches, you are all set.

If you don't, though, here is a method of making your own wrist bands out of laminating film, which you then cut to wrist-band size, and secure on the kids' wrists with a piece of adhesive tape.

Even if you are using wrist coaches, though, it is still advisable to laminate your plays cards, because otherwise sweat or field dampness will inevitably do their damage.

Although I originally recommended making the wrist bands out of clear Contact paper, I have found that the Contact paper now being sold seems to be flimsier than originally, and now, under hot, damp conditions (sweating), the adhesive starts to break down and the bands start to deliminate. The problem is easily solved by switching to laminating film - 9 x 12 laminating sheets will cost in the neighborhood of $20 for a box of 50 at an office supplies store. (Figuring a minimum of four bands from two sheets of film (one top sheet, one bottom sheet), a box of 50 sheets will yield 100 wrist bands.)

NOTE: Do not expect to see dotted lines on the laminating film, as shown below. I have drawn them in merely to provide an idea of where and how to cut the wristbands.

(After cutting the bands, simply secure them to the players' wrists with adhesive tape.)

To find out more...

Page 1- The No-Huddle

Page 2- Making the Grid

Page 4- Coding the Game Plan

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